Jesus is one of the most beloved and controversial figures in human history. He is beloved because of his compassion for the poor and hurting people of his day and for his unparalleled insight into the human heart. His teachings have inspired poets, artists, world leaders, and dignitaries but also peasants, prisoners, and those looking for hope.
But Jesus is also controversial. He’s controversial because Christians believe that he was more than just a great moral teacher but rather God himself in human form who had the supernatural ability to heal, who spoke with divine authority, and who lived a perfectly righteous life. This seemingly preposterous idea springs from the belief, held as far back as the very first Christians, that although Jesus was unjustly put to death for treason by the Roman authorities, he did not remain dead but was resurrected from the grave and appeared to his followers and many others.
Furthermore, Christians believe that Jesus is still very much alive today and that he will make himself known to anyone who seeks to believe in him. For the Christian, Jesus represents the highest authority.
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.
Matthew 1:21
Apostolic Christian Church